Saturday, December 31, 2011

Things are about to get exciting. I am starting AM in two days and we are getting ready to move from Redmond WA. down to Placerville CA. Its gonna be interesting starting school and also have to deal with the complications of moving. I am looking forward to the challenges ahead, i feel it will be a good situation for us down in CA. Its just a pain to have to move.

I will be getting a regular job also while we are down there which is something i hate doing but it will be really not that bad. I just hate the process of getting a job that i don't really want but one that i more than anything NEED.

Friday, December 23, 2011

This is where I will be posting my updates. What up dates you ask? Well, I will be starting my en devour into Animation Mentor starting January 2 2012. I am so excited about it. I will be posting my current demo reel and some work that shows my current level of animation skill.
This is where I will be posting my updates. What up dates you ask? Well, I will be starting my en devour into Animation Mentor starting January 2 2012. I am so excited about it. I will be posting my current demo reel and some work that shows my current level of animation skill.